MAIN GROUP (Fujian) Footwear
machinery Co., Ltd.

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Fujian Putian Government and Enterprise Jointly Develop Shoe Leather Industry

Huicong Shoe Net, April 19-Fujian has recently started the construction of the first batch of 15 key commodity export bases. Putian City is mainly building shoe export bases, which brings new opportunities to the development of the city’s shoe industry. At present, Putian City is firmly grasping the role of this export base. The government and enterprises are working together to jointly develop Putian shoe leather industry. Footwear industry is the largest industry in Putian city at present, with more than 2100 shoemaking enterprises and about 500,000 employees. In 2009, despite the severe impact of the international financial crisis on the footwear industry, the total export volume of the footwear industry in the city increased by 5.6% year-on-year, reaching a 20.4% increase from January to February this year. At the Putian 2009 Top Ten Industrial News and Top Ten Private Industrial Economic Figures Awards Ceremony held at the end of March, the China Putian Footwear and Garment City opened in a grand ceremony, the Putian footwear brand “Clorts” representing the image of “Made in China” became popular on CNN in the United States, and China’s first footwear R&D and design center was set up in Putian, which are three industrial news related to the footwear industry. In 2009, the footwear industry accounted for two of the top ten private industrial economic figures in Putian. In Putian, the shoe industry and the arts and crafts industry reached the target of 20 billion yuan and 5 billion yuan respectively in the 11th Five-Year Plan two years and 15 months in advance. At present, Putian has taken advantage of the opportunity that the city has become Fujian’s footwear export base to break the administrative boundaries, establish a regional footwear industry cluster with Hanjiang, Licheng and Chengxiang as its centers radiating the surrounding counties, and do a good job in the development planning of the industry cluster. For qualified enterprises, help them to realize leapfrog development through various forms such as listing and financing, capital increase and stock expansion, and joint merger, and become the “aircraft carrier” or “flagship” of the shoe industry in the region. In order to implement a series of preferential policies such as the “Opinions on Supporting the Operation and Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises” issued by the provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, and to further create a favorable environment to support and expand the development of footwear enterprises. With the strong support of Putian municipal party Committee and municipal government, Putian jiahua investment guarantee company was established on March 31. the company has a registered capital of 99.99 million yuan and an actual capital of 99.99 million yuan. it is currently the most funded guarantee company in Putian city and the first investment guarantee company in Putian footwear industry. after its establishment, it will effectively solve the financing problem of Putian small and medium-sized footwear enterprises and specially provide convenient and fast financing guarantee services for small and medium-sized enterprises in the footwear industry. Putian National Footwear Testing Center is a national key laboratory for footwear testing approved, authorized and recognized by the State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) and the China National Accreditation Council for Conformity Assessment (CNAS). It integrates testing, research and development, marking, information collection, personnel training and international exchange. It is currently the largest and most comprehensive professional testing organization for footwear in China. The center has a complete range of advanced testing equipment and testing standards or methods at home and abroad with a total value of more than 30 million yuan. It is impartial, scientific, accurate and efficient in testing more than 400 items of conventional physical properties, physical safety properties, chemical safety properties and sanitary and antibacterial properties of 43 kinds of finished footwear and leather, plastics, rubber, textiles and metal accessories in footwear. The center establishes and implements a laboratory quality management system in accordance with ISO/IEC17025 international standards, obtains CNAS accreditation and CMA certification, can track international advanced technologies at any time, and is responsible for and participates in revising a number of national standards and industry standards, thus having a leading position in relevant technical level. Putian City proposes to further play the roles of “National Shoe Testing Center”, “China Shoe Industry Research and Design Center”, “China Shoe Industry Information Center” and Fujian Shoe Industry Technology Development (Putian) Base. Putian City actively advocates enterprises to establish provincial-level enterprise technology centers, strengthens industry-university-research cooperation, promotes the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in shoemaking, and continuously enhances self-innovation and self-design development capabilities. And guide enterprises to actively participate in the formulation of various standards, the promotion of quality system certification, the introduction of training personnel, improve the management level, commitment to technological innovation, strengthen and expand enterprises, strive for every year there are one or two national brands, a number of provincial brands. Putian Footwear Association is a non-governmental association, which plays an important role in the development of the city’s footwear industry. At present, the association is continuously helping to promote the transformation and upgrading of the shoe industry in the city and to enhance the core competitiveness of the shoe industry market. At the same time, it has continuously expanded its scope of work, organized the industry to conduct in-depth docking with Taiwan’s trade associations, and made every effort to make new breakthroughs in pre-trial testing with Taiwan.

Post time: May-25-2023